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Year: 2021

Articles created in the year 2021

Prevent Brain Injury

Posted on December 5, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
One of the things which we often fear of getting older is the risk that they may get Alzheimer's disease, a horrible condition that destroys the brain by destroying the mind.A lot people shudder at the idea that if we get Alzheimer's, we'll lose our ability to plan and believe, or even to remember who we are.Alzheimer's is indeed a dreadful disorder of unknown origin which destroys not just the mind, it destroys lives and identities, and ravages whole families...

Top 10 Fitness Mistakes

Posted on November 26, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
Most fitness goals include weight loss, or the decrease in fat content, in one way or another.Whether we would like to drop a couple pounds, change a clothing size, or gain muscle mass, reduction and control of our fat content is usually part of the strategy.Just because it is imperative to understand what measures to take to satisfy your individual fitness goals, it's just as important to know what not to do...

Cool Down with Hot Summer First-Aid

Posted on October 19, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
When the temperature tops 90 and the soles of your shoes sizzle on the sidewalk, cold therapy is a necessity for summer first-aid.Whether it's ice from your freezer, a bag of frozen vegetables or a convenient commercial cold pack, ice therapy has a lot more uses than treating bruises and lumps.Here are five summer first-aid Strategies for cold therapy:Chill heat-related illnesses.During the hot summer months, heat exhaustion and heat stroke can be a problem...

7 Proven Ways to Resist the Urge to Smoke

Posted on September 15, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
If you decide to stop smoking the most difficult part is to resist the urges.It does not matter that each craving lasts only 3-5 minutes.It's still the whole 5 minutes to battle with your willpower! These 7 tips will enable you to resist the urge to smoke one urge at a time.1.Remind Yourself Why You QuitEach time you experience a craving remind yourself why you quit.It's the excellent idea to take a blank index card and list all the reasons why you decided to stop smoking...

The Secrets To Healthy Weight Gain

Posted on August 23, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
There's so much emphasis on weight loss in the current culture it is easy for people to forget that many out there are really people out there trying to gain weight, not lose it.There are lots of different reasons why someone may be trying to gain weight.Many people for example may become underweight due to medical issues, such as hormonal problems or digestive diseases.Others have a very fast metabolism, and are naturally lean, to the point where they might feel uncomfortable about their own weight...

Paraesthesia and Numbness

Posted on July 8, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
Numbness and tingling (paresthesia) are abnormal sensations which may be felt anywhere in the body.Most commonly, they may be sensed in the hands, arms, feet or legs.The sensation of numbness or tingling is a sign unrecognized from the mind and signals that something isn't right.The issue can come out of a nerve impingement because it exits the spinal column or peripheral stimulation being muddled before or after the mind gets the information...

Inviting Antioxidants to Dinner

Posted on June 18, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
Supplementing your diet with additional antioxidants is imperative to our bodies and our immune systems during times when we're more likely to come into contact with cold or influenza viruses in packed shopping malls or other public areas.Just what exactly are antioxidants? Well, antioxidants are basically natural chemicals that protect our bodies from free radical damage to our cells.This destructive process is called oxidation...

Air Moisture And Your Health

Posted on May 21, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
Having clean air to breathe isn't just a luxury and many people are learning about the many ways to improve air quality when they're indoors.Among the methods to help improve air quality is the use of humifiers and dehumidifiers to control the moisture from the air.Air moisture may not be something which you thought a lot about, but it could be a big contributing factor to the negative symptoms that you experience occasionally...

The Basics Of Arthritis

Posted on April 14, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
Arthritis signals people in various ways.Joints might crack suddenly, like knees upon standing.Other joints may be stiff and creak.Maybe pain occurs, like when trying to open a jar.What is it all about? Let us look at the fundamentals and learn more.Arthritis actually means"joint inflammation" and has over 100 related conditions or type / forms of disorder.Left untreated, it can advance, resulting in joint damage that can't be undone or reversed...