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Prescription Drugs Can Lead to Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Posted on January 9, 2023 by Nicholas Juarez

The usage of prescription drugs is frequently overlooked as a significant factor that plays a part in nutritional deficiencies. Typically, the focus is positioned on diet as well as perhaps some lifestyle issues, but most are unaware that the medications they use are possibly creating additional health issues that could not become apparent for a long period. Drug-induced nutrient depletion is really a health threat that's not acknowledged by nearly all healthcare practitioners and it's really not due to a lack of information regarding the topic, because many reports have already been published that document the drug-induced depletion of nutrients.

Nutritional deficiencies usually do not become obvious quickly. A marginal nutrient deficiency, known as a "subclinical deficiency," indicates a scarcity of a specific vitamin or mineral that's not severe enough to make a classic deficiency sign or symptom. In most cases the only real clue of a subclinical nutrient deficiency could be fatigue, lethargy, difficulty in concentration, too little well-being, or other vague symptoms.

Deficiency-related health issues may never be diagnosed, and the individual may find yourself taking additional medications for complaints which are actually the body's signal for nutrition therapy.

Drugs can deplete nutrients by decreasing their absorption, or by hindering just how nutrients are transformed by your body. They are able to also affect the storage of nutrients or what sort of body excretes the finish products of the metabolism of nutrients.

The key to preventing this sort of deficiency would be to know very well what vitamin or mineral could be suffering from the drug prescribed to the individual.

If the drug will undoubtedly be used for an extended time period the individual should simply increase intakes of the specified nutrient throughout the usage of the drug. This simple step can help prevent deficiency-related health issues and assist in improving the probability of reaching the desired health outcomes for patients.