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Tag: control

Articles tagged as Control

Alcohol Abuse - How to Start Helping Yourself First

Posted on March 24, 2022 by Nicholas Juarez
It is said that the first step to solving a personal problem is to acknowledge you've just that-a issue.Although this is somewhat true, particularly when the issue is alcohol related, you want to gradually work yourself to a desired goal, whether it's to quit drinking all together, or to moderate your intake (which a physician can help you decide based a general wellness analysis).Back in college (or university), there was a track coach (who finally coached the Olympic team) who advised his runners you had to visualize your objectives, and on your head, watch yourself run the whole race in optimal shape...

Air Moisture And Your Health

Posted on May 21, 2021 by Nicholas Juarez
Having clean air to breathe isn't just a luxury and many people are learning about the many ways to improve air quality when they're indoors.Among the methods to help improve air quality is the use of humifiers and dehumidifiers to control the moisture from the air.Air moisture may not be something which you thought a lot about, but it could be a big contributing factor to the negative symptoms that you experience occasionally...